4 New Workout Classes In Kuala Lumpur To Check Out

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The Flow Studio 

Align yourself … twice a week 

What if low-impact workouts could guarantee a faster and longer energy burn compared to explosive, highly energetic ones with a lean body to boot? “Efficient, effective, and safe, the reformer Pilates classes here at The Flow Studio are fitness-focused,” says co-founder Tiffany Yow. A range of classes fully utilising the reformer are on offer, incorporating a series of continuous movements–heads up: there’s no break–on the reformer’s moving carriage and hand weights. BAZAAR’s favourite, the Dynamic Reformer, is a full-body workout that aims to build strength and endurance without stressing out the joints. Three weeks of consistent reformer Pilates classes, and you’ll see the positive effects. Sweat, burn, and shake your way to a stronger body.

See also
How To Boost Your Immune System in 24 Hours

7 Jalan Riong, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.

Tel: 017-885 0865. theflowstudio.co

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