Harper’s BAZAAR Clinical Aesthetics 2018: JIA Clinic Q-switched Nd: YAG Laser

Fresh Start

It’s a universal beauty truth: the complexion issues we struggle with aren’t confined to just one. Age spots, acne scars, large pores, blotchy skin … When creams and potions are no longer able to work their magic, consider upgrading your beauty artillery to include JIA Clinic’s Q-switched Nd:YAG laser treatment. Renowned for its efficacy in tackling the full spectrum of skin concerns all at once, expect improved clarity from day one.

Consider this gold standard laser treatment for a skin renewal

Blast Off

Combating issues right at the core, the Q-switched Nd:YAG laser works by emitting a specialised beam of laser energy at varying wavelengths. When the heat hits the melanin (pigments that cause dark spots), it shatters them into fragments, which become small enough for the body’s lymphatic system to naturally flush out. Simultaneously, the heat shrinks oil glands to inhibit bacteria growth, and refine pores, all working in tandem to provide a flawless finish.

See also
Here's How to Repair Signs of Ageing

Gradual Perfection

Carried out over multiple sessions, each treatment only takes about
15 minutes to complete, and is virtually pain-free—the laser causes only a slight warm and tingling sensation on the skin. Over time, witness your complexion return to its youthful prime:
radiant, rejuvenated, and beautifully clear.

12, Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar Baru. Tel: 03-2202 0888. www.facebook.com/jiaclinic