3 Reasons To Get Strip Malaysia’s Brazilian IPL Treatment

The words "Brazilian Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)" have been rolling off tongues for a while now. And when it comes to discussions about best hair removal practices, every woman (and man) has their niche. Whether it's threading, tweezing, or waxing, you know your body best, and the best is what your body deserves. So, what is it about Strip Malaysia's IPL technology that makes this hair-removal option so enticing?

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Strip’s IPL Hygiene Pack comes in a variety of eye-catching hues

Gentle Hands
While having a state-of-the-art machine like the Strip Powerpac IPL Device automatically places a salon on top of its game, it’s the therapist administering the Brazilian IPL treatment that really, makes all the difference. We are dealing with one of our most intimate areas, after all. Trust issues or not, if we’re going to be leaving its fate in the hands of a stranger, it helps to know that they’re professional, well-trained, and extremely thoughtful.

While my monthly visits to waxing salons in the city are already second nature, I truly needed reassurance before my first session of the Strip Brazilian IPL treatment began. After all, I didn’t yet know about the Powerpac IPL Device’s cooling system, nor did I know what to expect at all. I was both anxious and skeptical. But in the gentle, fluorescent-lit room at Strip, Bangsar, I felt truly at ease. And I owe it all to my therapist, who remained genuine and real with me throughout the treatment.

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