What Katy Does: Go Far Out with Hemp Oil

Is it me, or is the beauty industry making an effort to normalise cannabis?

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Only yesterday, Ocado announced its plans to start selling cannabis-infused water created by Love Hemp, a brand that has been sending me hemp oils and balms for weeks in an attempt to win me round to the revolution.

And it has started. The Cannabis Trades Association UK recently recorded a 200 per cent increase of users in the last year, so that numbers now total 250,000. And one.

Reader, just to be clear here, take confident note that these products contain the (legalised) CBD part of the cannabis sativa plant associated with health benefits, and not THC – the psychoactive part of the cannabis leaf that gets you high. When in isolation, CBD simply boosts the happy hormones serotonin and dopamine, while it is also proven to help relieve inflammation, anxiety, depression, diabetes, nausea and insomnia (the latter being why I put two drops under my tongue before going to bed).

The facts are that a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD significantly reduced chronic inflammation and pain in some mice and rats. Furthermore, a recent WHO report revealed that CBD oils have benefits for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, cancer, pain and diabetic complications.

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With all this in mind, it’s no wonder CBD oil is now one of Holland & Barrett’s bestselling new products, found proudly on the counter by the tills, the arguably healthy equivalent to a Dairy Milk with your newspaper at WHSmith, if you will.

Love Hemp’s oil isn’t cheap. Given that prices start at £54.99 for a 10ml bottle of eight per cent concentration, and go right up to £400 for 100ml of 10 per cent variation, you’ll probably want to hear that this CBD oil is completely natural, sourced from the very lowest of THC hemp, while being organic, vegan and GMO-free. Plus, there are also salves, capsules, crystals and Gummy Bears for as little as £9.99.

As far as new products in my arsenal of beauty fixes go, this is far out, but I’m now hooked on its ability to lull me into a gentle night’s slumber. Oh, and in a completely non-addictive way you understand?

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Love Hemp Oil, £54.99 for a 10ml bottle. 


FromHarper’s BAZAAR UK