Dolce & Gabbana teams up with university to support coronavirus research

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Dolce & Gabbana has made an important donation to Humanitas University for a research project hoping to help with the fight against coronavirus. The Italian fashion brand announced today that it was hoping to help contribute to solving the problem, which is affecting the global population.

“We felt we had to do something to fight this devastating virus, which started from China but is threatening all mankind,” the house said in a statement. “In these cases, it is important to make the right choice. This is why we thought Humanitas University would be the ideal partner, whose excellence and humanity make it a special entity, with which we have already co-operated on a scholarship project.”

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Humantis University is a private Italian university that is dedicated to the medical sciences – and this project is aiming to lay the basis for developing diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, which will help in the fight against coronavirus.

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The Dolce & Gabbana designers added that, while they feel their contribution to the global problem may seem small, they hope that it will be significant.

“In the face of these tragedies of such a vast scale, each action may seem insignificant. But Professor Mantovani [who is leading the project] told us the African fable about a hummingbird: while all the other animals were fleeing from a fire in the forest, it flew in the opposite direction, continuing to bring water in the attempt to put out the fire. We understood that in any case it was worth doing something. Even a very small gesture can have enormous significance. Supporting scientific research is a moral duty for us, we hope our contribution will help to solve this dramatic problem.”

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From: Harper’s BAZAAR UK