Exclusive: Chanel in Cuba through the lens of BAZAAR’s Editor-in-Chief

Take an experiential journey to the coveted locale of Cuba for a personalised experience of the Chanel Cruise 2017 show as narrated in images and commentary from BAZAAR Editor-in-Chief Natasha Kraal.

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No luggage, no room, no pesos…yet…but we made it to historical Havana. #cubalibre

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 Karl comes to Cuba, opening with his travelling photo exhibition ‘Obra en proceso/ Work in Progress’ #chanelcruisecuba

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A letter to Cuba, to paraphrase Hemingway. Days of rum and fun await… #havanaherewecome

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Cuba, baby!

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Superchic! Spencer jackets with full white skirts; tri-tone Oxfords please! #chanelcruisecuba #cococuba

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Chanel brings it to Cuba, with an incredibly spirited fashion narration of masculine-feminine, appliqué on organza, vintage car prints, and sequins galore! Super love! #chanelcruisecuba

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Washed-out vintage tees and silk skirts at #chanelcruisecuba #cococuba

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At a Belle Époque mansion in Havana, with the sensual beat of ‘Siboney’ playing in my mind. Some classics look/sound better with age. #cuba

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“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.” Ernest Hemingway; at his lovely home on the hills for literary hour. #cubalibre

@natashakraal ended her Cuban experience with Chanel with a special experience at Plaza De La Catedral, Havana

See also
All the Stars at Cartier's Trinity 100 Celebration in Singapore

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Another great interview with Amanda Harlech, creative consultant for Chanel, and fashion icon, at the historic Plaza de la Catedral in Old Havana. She talked about Karl’s Cuba, her favourite Cruise ’17 looks, and how this big adventure happened. Writing the story as we speak…#chanelcruisecuba #cococuba

To read on Chanel’s Cruise 2017 Collection and Show