Skipping the fitness studio needn’t mean skipping a workout. Barre instructor and founder of NRG barrebody, Nathalie Errandonea-Mewes, tells BAZAAR that when working from home, it’s important to keep moving regularly. Below, follow her five simple moves to help tone and trim the body from the safety of your living room. No equipment (or actual barre) required.
This artical originally appeared on Harper’s BAZAAR UK
Move 1: Ballet squat moving up an inch, down an inch

Image courtesy of Nadine Brandt
1. Start in ballet second position, with your legs about a metre apart and your feet in ‘turn out’ (this is the external rotation of the legs and feet, starting from the hips).
2. Bend your knees and come down in your plié position, making sure that the knees stay above the toes. Keep your back straight and shoulders low.
3. Take the plié one inch down and then one inch up again. Repeat 30 times.