Mid-point Mental Health: Why Are We All Feeling So Flat?

'Meh', defined as “expressing a lack of interest or enthusiasm”, describes perfectly the state of limbo between not being sad but not being happy either. It represents a state of lethargy or emptiness that's difficult to shake but isn't so bad that it renders you unable to get out of bed in the same way depression can.

This feeling can stem from anything, from feeling uninspired at work or feeling like you aren't enough. Mind coach Anna Williamson says that feeling overwhelmed by the constant stream of information, be it Instagram, the news or constant requests from your boss can result in a feeling of inner emptiness.

“Burnout is a key cause for this in-between feeling,” Williamson. “We mustn’t be quick to self-diagnose when in actual fact a lot of people just need to make the small tweaks and changes. Reduce time spent on social media and technology, and spend more time with people face-to-face, doing exercise, and getting outdoors."

This article first appeared on Harper's BAZAAR UK

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Taking care

Recognise that smaller changes can help the bigger picture, so pinpoint what would make you feel better. Perhaps ask your boss for a little bit of a break, speak to your family or people you trust to ask them for a bit of extra support.

  • Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t do something you had planned to. Try to treat yourself as you would treat a friend, and be kind to yourself.
  • Exercise. Being active is good for your mind as well as your body. Regular exercise can lift your mood, help you sleep better. and give you more energy. It’s also proven to be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression.
  • Figure out what makes you happy. Try making a list of activities, people and places that make you feel good, followed by a separate list of what you do every day. It won’t be possible to include everything, but try to find ways to bring those things into your daily routine.
  • Try new things. Trying something new, like a new hobby, skill or even new food can help boost your mood and break unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour.
  • Keep a mood diary. This can help you keep track of any changes in your mood and you might find that you have more good days than you think. It can also help you notice if any activities, places or people make you feel better or worse.
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If you do feel like you’re experiencing mental health difficulties, then speak to someone to make sure you get the right help for you. Whether that’s your GP, friends or family or a mental health charity.

Visit mind.org.uk/findthewords or call the Mind Infoline on 0300 123 3393 for more information.


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