Nine Things Selena Gomez Did To Get The Body She Has Now

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Selena Gomez has been working out with the trainer Amy Rosoff Davis – who has not only been looking after the singer's fitness but also her diet and lifestyle – for about a year.

Since starting last spring, the singer has worked out with Rosoff Davis anywhere from three to five days a week, and in the last couple of months before the start of the Revival tour, they were exercising seven days a week for up to two hours at a time — on top of which Gomez was doing back-to-back run-throughs of her 90-minute show.

Here, the trainer has spilled all the secrets on how Gomez got the body she has now.

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4. Never let your body get bored 

Selena has been doing cardio, Pilates and yoga of all kinds.

She and her trainer go on long hikes with some of Gomez’s crew, where they’ll break to do circuit training and “arm dancing” and “side chasses up a hill.” Rosoff Davis said: “I’ve always believed that the best way to keep your muscles active is to mix it up. We switch things up almost every day.”

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