In an attempt to shed (or more accurately, shave) society's toxic masculinity issue, Gillette released a powerful new ad urging men to be better by asking them: "Is this the best a man can get?" The two-minute video, which has drawn praise from the likes of Rosanna Arquette and Arianna Huffington, among others, challenges men to confront issues such as bullying, sexual harassment, and discrimination. However instead of feeling inspired by the ad, many men are outraged at being asked to be respectful, decent human beings.
The ad questions the common "boys will be boys" excuse in reference to issues like the #MeToo movement, bullying, mansplaining, and catcalling. By the end, the video shows men stepping up in everyday situations to treat each other—along with women—with respect.
But being asked to respect women can be really offensive, I suppose, because dozens of men have decided to boycott Gillette after seeing the ad. Leading the pack of male fragility is Piers Morgan, who declared the ad a "war on masculinity".