BAZAAR’s Pick: Liù Mén Hotel, a restored beauty

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Museums, museums, and more museums!

Melaka will definitely get you crazy about history if you weren’t already. The city of 100 museums will definitely not disappoint, especially when you stay right in the midst of it all.  Speak to a friendly staff at Liù Mén on which museum to start with first. From the Cheng Ho Cultural Museum, walk up the red stairs of the Stadthuys and further up for St. Paul’s hill to absorb the view of this little city with scattered remnants of the Portuguese fortress, before heading down to enjoy stories of the late Sultans of Melaka and its warriors at the Melaka Sultanate Palace. Head back towards the hotel under the huge ancient trees of Jalan Kota on foot or on trishaw, and enjoy the rest of the city’s museums.

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A Collector’s Item: Aligning Patrouille de France
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