An Interview With François Nars on Man Ray

It’s the element of surprise that still drives the beauty brand today. BAZAAR learns from Mr. François Nars how Man Ray’s dualistic, dreamlike portraits come into play in the Man Ray x Nars collaboration.

Man Ray

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Looking at your past collaborations, it would seem like there’s a bit of Man Ray influence in all their work. Do you think Man Ray was a common inspiration for all of these artists?

Absolutely! So many of the artists that I admire, from past to present, were strongly influenced by Man Ray. Sarah Moon, in particular, adored Man Ray as well as many of the artists of the ’20s and ’30s who worked alongside him. It is actually very fitting that this collaboration should come right after the one we did with Sarah.

Man Ray’s sensibility, refinement, vision, sharpness, and the incredibly intelligent way he approached his subjects—from women to objects—had such a strong influence on generations of photographers and artists. He created a whole world that’s recognisable and often referenced by the artists who came after him. That’s quite amazing. He also developed numerous photographic techniques that didn’t exist, but are still used or referred to today. His influence is very broad.

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