Local Grooming Brands to Watch


Our local beauty scene continues to boom with rising innovations and creative product experiences. Serving the male market are these trailblazers. From more intimate essentials to the everyday toothbrush, here are our picks of must-watch grooming brands!




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Elevating the male grooming experience, Han Pin Ma applies his unique style and prowess to Gote. Their new deodorants offer two inimitable scents that keep the underarms feeling fresh and the odours at bay. His Please Endurance Wipes were the kickstarter to his brand, offering a modern solution to performance concerns in the bedroom.


Debut Homme


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New to the local grooming scene, Debut Homme enter into the market with their artisanal hair shampoo and body wash. Keep your eyes peeled as they’ve got even more exciting launches ahead, including a deodorant, perfume and hair wax. 

See also
Beauty Awards 2023: Best Deodorant




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Founded at our neighbours in Singapore, Zenyum are a great local option for your daily dental care solutions. Their new Zenyum Sonic Go is a great gift for the traveller in your life. Compact but still packing the same punch as their original toothbrushes, this travel-friendly option shouldn’t just be limited to the gents!