How To Motivate Yourself To Get Back Into The Gym

Just returned from a week in the sun and lacking that motivation to get back on the treadmill? You're not alone. We turned to Reebok's Girl Squad to find out what motivates them to get back into their routines after some time off - whether that's because they've been on holiday or have simply fallen off the fitness wagon for a few weeks.

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Courtesy of Reebok

Tashi Skervin-Clarke

“After one of my holidays last year, I completely fell off the wagon and felt demotivated so I signed up to two half-marathons in a bid to get back on track and it worked! If I have a goal to work towards, I find it easier to commit to my training sessions because I know that if I don’t train, I’m not going to achieve that goal. So try signing up for a race, fun run or a fitness challenge to help you get back in the swing of things after taking some time out.

“Also, when I feel a bit demotivated and need a kick in the right direction, I always book myself into a class. With classes, you don’t have to plan your workout, the hard work is done for you, you just need to turn up and do as you’re told. I’m also super competitive so even if I’ve had a lazy few weeks, as soon as I’m in a class it’s game on because I always want to be teacher’s pet.”

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