5 Pink Minutes with Sonny San

The Pink Project designer collaborative sees five of Malaysia’s top fashion names working with BAZAAR to design limited edition pink ribbons to be given away on our citywide mission to increase breast cancer awareness. Celest Thoi, Sonny San for Eclipse, Izrin Ismail for Innai, Khoon Hooi, and Sereni and Shentel have been wonderfully supportive in their creation of unique pink ribbons that are the signifier of the breast cancer awareness campaign. BAZAAR’s Pink Project that started 9 years ago with the Nick Munro for Royal Selangor jelly mould has grown from strength-to-strength with the support of Malaysian celebrities like Bernie Chan, Jojo Struys, Asha Gill, Elaine Daly, Stephanie Chai, and many more. These phenomenal women have always come together in gorgeous editorial shoots styled by BAZAAR Malaysia’s creative director, Kenneth Goh where they have shared inspiring messages with BAZAAR readers. This year, BAZAAR strengthens the project in encouraging women to do their monthly self-examinations and to schedule their annual mammograms — because early detection of this disease saves lives!
Please join us on our Pink Crusade, post a picture of yourself on Instagram, wearing pink and with the pledge to do something in your community to raise breast cancer awareness. Use the hashtags #BAZAARPinkProject and #PledgeInPink, and tag three of your friends to make their own Pledge in Pink. Be creative, have fun and inspire with your pink pledge, let’s make a difference with every post!

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Sonny San

Harper’s BAZAAR:  What comes to mind when you think of breast cancer?
Sonny San: At 35 my assistant pattern drafting cutter was diagnosed with breast cancer  when she went for a routine check-up.  I could sense her anger, pain and depression and she distanced herself from her colleagues. The physiological part of losing a part of her body was taking a toll on her sanity since she was a single mum and felt the prospect of meeting her potential life partner vanished when told she had to remove one of her breasts. She was afraid and alone. Her colleagues reassured her that it would be just fine as there are plastic surgery options and even shared Angelina Jolie’s brush with breast cancer to help ease her mind and get her ready to face on the challenges ahead.

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HB: What did you want your Pink Ribbon to say?
SS: I wanted to convey the message that we are all unbreakable, that we have more resilience and inner strength than we are aware of. That’s why the unique material was selected … a hybrid of metal and plastic.


Sonny San’s #BAZAARPinkProject 2015 limited edition ribbon

HB:  Attitude is everything. What do you do to stay positive and upbeat despite life’s constant challenges?
SS: I always make time for myself to meditate every morning. That helps keep check of my yin/yang balance and allow me to have my alone time for better insight to life. Even if I hit rock bottom I am always optimistic, which helps draw me out of the doldrums. My motto for life is simple – “never say die.”

HB: The secret to great design?
SS: You have to evolve with the times, listen to your customers and accept constructive criticism. Great design is a consciousness of knowing what and when is enough. Never push the boundaries of taste. And I always surround myself with younger people — it keeps me in the loop of what makes them tick.

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HB: What is the one thing you know Now, that you really wish you knew Then?
SS: “Confidence”overcomes any challenge.

The Sonny San for Eclipse limited edition designer ribbon will be distributed with the BAZAAR Pink Project x Breast Cancer Welfare Association (BCWA) Mobile Unit. Catch us throughout the month of October 2015 at KLCC, MidValley Mega Mall, Uptown 7, The Mandarin Oriental and Pavilion KL. Also available as a special set with the October issue for RM10 at Kinokuniya @Suria KLCC from Oct 2. Proceeds to go to BCWA Malaysia.