Giving Back: Famous Faces That Have Volunteered at Local Vaccination Centres

Image: Instagram/ @ameliath, @daiyantrisha, @missmimilana, @annajobling


Finding the motivation to do anything these days is especially hard. Aside from the rising numbers of local COVID-19 cases, which are already depressing enough, we are repeatedly exposed to bad news on social media that’s triggering more feelings of restlessness and anger.

However, despite the darkness, there is also light around us and a huge part of it comes from all the compassionate citizens that have worked tirelessly together to raise awareness and funds for those in need. 

Then, there are also those who have selflessly given their time to volunteer at local vaccination centres as marshals or stewards to support the important work of vaccinating the people. We’ve spotted some familiar faces who have used their star power and influence to help out spread awareness and volunteer at the vaccination centres. Check them out below:

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Image: Instagram/@ameliath

Amelia Henderson, Actress

In one of her posts, she says, “I volunteered at Pusat Pemberian Vaksin UKM today. I’ve been pro-vax from the start, so I’m going to say it again, get yourself vaccinated! We can do this, guys!”

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