Ferragamo Announces Art Partnership with Exhibition on History & Heritage

Opening on May 18, 2016, the new exhibition promoted and organised by Fondazione Ferragamo and Museo Salvatore Ferragamo explores the complex relationship between art and fashion. Inspired by the life of Salvatore Ferragamo, who was deeply fascination with twentieth-century avant-garde art movement, the exhibition raises the ultimate question on the relationship between art and fashion: Are these worlds separate and distinct or are they now caught in a fluid role play?

Unique in its own way, the exhibition is being held in collaboration with other cultural institutions which have provided space and pieces from their collections as well. It will also be featuring a rich catalogue of clothing, accessories, fabrics, works of art, books, periodicals and photographs from International and Italian private and public museum collections, as well as a contemporary art installation created specifically for the occasion.

See also
#TheStreetReport Fashion Monologues Presents Tunku Nadia Naquiyuddin

#1. Rosa Genoni, ‘Pisanello’ court cape, 1906, silk velvet with embroidery. The cape, inspired by one of Pisanello’s watercolours (Un homme et une femme en habits de cour, c. 1450, Chantilly, Musée Condé) was presented at Milan International in 1906 along with the Primavera gown. Florence, Gallerie degli Uffizi, Galleria del Costume di Palazzo Pitti.

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#2. Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait. Takamatsu, Takamatsu Art Museum.

Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait, Takamatsu, Takamatsu Art Museum.

#3. Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait. Takamatsu, Takamatsu Art Museum.

Yasumasa Morimura, Portrait, Takamatsu, Takamatsu Art Museum.

#4. Getulio Alviani, Tensions. Brescia, private collection.

Getulio Alviani, Tensions. Brescia, private collection.

#5. Getulio Alviani, Tensions. Brescia, private collection.

Getulio Alviani, Tensions. Brescia, private collection.

#6. Bruno Munari, Graphic project for fabric for the 10th Milan Triennale, 1954, tempera on paper, 267 x 208 mm. Bologna, Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli.

Bruno Munari, Graphic project for fabric for the 10th Milan Triennale, 1954, tempera on paper, 267 x 208 mm. Bologna, Fondazione Massimo e Sonia Cirulli.

#7. Salvatore Ferragamo, Tirassegno, 1958, suede pump with kid appliqués with a target-shooting motif. Florence, Museo Salvatore Ferragamo.

Salvatore Ferragamo, Tirassegno, 1958, suede pump with kid appliqués with a target-shooting motif. Florence, Museo Salvatore Ferragamo.

Below are the dates of the “Across Art and Fashion” exhibitions in and around Italy:

See also
Bag of The Month: Embrace Summer With The Celine Triomphe Panier

Across Art and Fashion 
Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, Florence
May 19, 2016 – April 7, 2017

Across Art and Fashion, The Nineteenth Century in Fashion
Sala del Fiorino – Galleri degli Uffizi, Galleria d’arte moderna di Palazzo Pitti, Florence
May 19, 2016 – July 24, 2016

Across Art and Fashion, Collaboration
Museo Marino Marini, Florence
May 19, 2016 – July 31, 2016

Across Art and Fashion, Italian Periodicals in the Nineteen Hundreds
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
Firenze, Florence
May 20, 2016 – October 15, 2016

Across Art and Fashion, Nostalgia for the Future in Post-War Artists’ Fabric
Museo del Tessuto, Prato
May 21, 2016 – February 19, 2017