BAZAAR’s Malaysia’s Most Stylish Women from each year return to celebrate fabulous fashion and extraordinary moments. Presenting the luminaries, from original top models to world-class journalists, architects, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and wellness gurus—in a class of their own.
Jesrina Arshad
Co-founder and CEO of PurelyB

Dress, Chanel
The young royal’s eyes light up as soon as the topic of preconceived notions of being “healthy” is brought up. It is her favourite subject after all, since making a 180-degree transformation to her life, and experiencing everything from sound healing and guided meditation podcasts to experimenting with new superfoods. “I wanted to educate myself on eating and living healthy after learning that I was intolerant to gluten, dairy, and eggs, but I couldn’t find a website that was tailored to the Asian appetite or our way of living,” she says.
After sleepless nights of scrolling through Deliciously Ella, rounds of trial and error, together with mindfulness and meditation, Jesrina saw herself in a new light, one where she was eating natural whole foods, as well as being happy, content, and in control.
Since PurelyB’s inception in 2015, Jesrina has built an online ecosystem, spreading awareness across countries such as Hong Kong and India. “I feel humbled knowing that we’ve changed lives,” she says. Bringing PurelyB to a new digital era, she wants to set up a “Netflix of wellness”, where more visual content will be shared, educating users on how to make the right decisions from reading nutritional labels to building a natural pharmacy at home.
“To be a voice of authority in health and wellness is to provide something effective and useful, and I want such knowledge to be available to everyone, no matter where they are,” she muses. True to PurelyB’s spirit of “be inspired, be healthy, live naturally”.
JESRINA ARSHAD, in BAZAAR December 2014 ‘Malaysia’s Most Stylish Women’: “BAZAAR wrapped a towel around my head and put me in bed with a stranger. My husband, Joey, loved the photo and still teases me about it.”