Nicki Minaj Reveals She Has An H&M Collaboration Coming This Fall

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In case you somehow missed her cascading red and black train, Nicki Minaj stunned in custom H&M at the Met Gala and Monday.

As it turns out though, the gown isn’t the only thing the rapper and Swedish retailer have been working on together. During an interview on the red carpet, Minaj revealed she has a “special collaboration” coming out with H&M this fall.

“I have a special collaboration coming out with H&M this fall and so they are dressing me for the night and they nailed it,” Minaj told an interviewer when asked about how her look.

Nicki Minaj has a collaboration with @hm coming this fall

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Neither the rapper nor the fast fashion retailer have commented any further on the collaboration, so it’s unclear whether Minaj will be the face of a campaign or whether she designed a collection with the brand.

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