Lights, Camera, & Action
Adaptable, loving, and patient, Shasha Abedul is one of Malaysia’s rising actresses. On a path brimming with uncertainties, Abedul is determined to push boundaries and use her talent to achieve greatness. From her roles in Projek: Anchor SPM and Projek: High Council, there’s no doubt that the Malaysian actress has built up an impressive portfolio. A quick stroll through her social media right now will show you a burst of her professional achievements, triumphs, and personal goals.
We recently chatted with Shasha Abedul about her role in Projek: Anchor SPM and her road to success.
Read More: ‘Projek: High Council’ is Everyone’s Favourite Show
Here’s our exclusive interview with Shasha Abedul:
What stood out to you about the TV show Projek: Anchor SPM?
The story, for sure. Projek: Anchor SPM was a really amazing piece of work for me. To me, it felt utterly genuine and raw. It portrays the bittersweet life of teenagers from different family backgrounds – from trying to seek validation and love from people they look up to the mos t in life to growing up and just trying to figure out what works best for them. Projek: Anchor SPM was the perfect combination of stories of sacrifice, betrayal, drama, teen rage and loyalty. Even though I could not relate to the life of “budak asrama” very much, what they went through really opened up my eyes to the realities of life in boarding school.
What were some of your favourite scenes to shoot that are still vivid for you to this day?
My favourite scene would be the one where Jaja brazenly took a stand for her sister and her friends against their Headmaster. It was like I was cheering Jaja on for doing what she believes was right for the people that meant the world to her and the kids in her school. But truthfully, I’ve got to say that I loved, cherished, and enjoyed shooting every scene. I loved the team at Projek: Anchor SPM – shooting this was definitely one of the highlights of my career for sure.

Can you share any memories of working with the cast of Projek: Anchor SPM?
I loved working with every one of my cast mates at Projek: Anchor SPM. Working with them made me feel alive as they are just filled with so much colourful and vibrant energy. Sometimes, we would spend time together during breaks and I think that’s how our on-screen chemistry got even stronger. It didn’t feel like work when I was around them and I loved that. We created a very strong bond on set with not just the cast but also the directors, producer, crews, and extra talents and that fluidity to work together towards something great was amazing.
How did you feel when you got the call to guest star on Projek: High Council?
Honoured and remembered.
How was Projek: Anchor SPM and Projek: High Council similar and different from each other?
I’d say that they’re from the same universe where it’s still about some kids in a boarding school trying to make it through, but unlike Projek: Anchor SPM, Projek: High Council was set in a single-gender boys’ school. The story is different of course, but it’s the same writers, directors, and crew that poured their heart and soul into bringing the “Projek” Universe to life, and honestly, that’s what makes both Projek: High Council and Projek: Anchor SPM very special.

What was your favourite wardrobe detail from the show?
The school uniform. It’s slightly different from what I’m used to when I was in high school. It was very prep school chic, in its own way!
Have you always known you wanted to be an actress?
How do you go about breaking down the barriers that hold you and other actors back in the film industry?
Honestly, there’s no easy way to go about these barriers. If it’s standing in my way and if I know that I must break it down, I’ll do it. If it works out, great. If it doesn’t, at least I know I tried.
With so much on your plate, how do you create a healthy disconnect when you are burnout?
I clean my house, hit the gym, take myself out for a good Japanese meal, and spend some time just doing things I always wanted to do but don’t usually get to do like spend time at an art gallery. Naps are also nice!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years, I just hope I’m a much better version of myself now. I like who I am now, but I do believe in constantly growing and evolving and I hope 2028 Shasha will make 2023 Shasha very proud.
Describe your perfect day off.
Sleeping in, taking my time getting out of bed, going out to get iced chocolate, and then heading home to spend the entire day indoors.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
The road to success is always under construction.
Syameen Salehaldin
A lover of steamy romance books and all things green, Syameen Salehaldin is the Senior Content Producer for Harper's BAZAAR Malaysia. She spends most of her time immersed in books, and food and doing anything that makes her happy. Expect to see her diving into lifestyle, fashion and beauty trends on this platform.