10 movies you need to know about in 2020

As 2019 draws to a close, a brand-new slate of movies awaits us, spanning musicals, thrillers and superhero follow-ups. Here are our most-anticipated titles – all coming soon to a cinema near you.

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The winner of Cannes’ coveted Palme d’Or is a scathing class-warfare satire from the South Korean director Bong Joon Ho, who has wowed audiences (and a growing online fanbase known as the Bong Hive) with sharp political critiques throughout his career, as in the stirring dramas Snowpiercer and Okja, which condemn the horrors of social segregation and the meat industry respectively. Without going into too much detail – for this unpredictable thriller is best consumed with minimal prior knowledge – Parasite concerns a destitute Seoul family making a living folding pizza boxes who, one by one, see their luck change when they are employed by a household of gullible one-percenters. Much intrigue ensues. Over in the US, Parasite has become the highest-grossing foreign-language movie of the year and is the all but inevitable recipient of the newly renamed Best Interntaional Film Oscar.

See also
Why Parasite Is The Oscars Film To Watch
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