Your Complete Lovescope for the Month of November 2016

Mars represents your style of going about getting what you want in life, your work drive, sex drive, energy and stamina. Venus, the planet of love and money, rules the things you are naturally attracted to in life – what you like versus what repels you. Astrology is the language of energy and when our passion planets change sign, so does the love language.

Patrick Demarchelier for BAZAAR February 1996


You will meet love out there in the world this month; perhaps traveling, at a cultural event or even on the job as Venus crowns at the top of your chart. Committed? Explore a new art exhibit or take a weekend away to an exotic island – sparks will fly


November is about commitment for you as a New Moon in your partnership sector opens the door for a deeper level of connection. This may also be the start of a new business partnership. By the Full Moon in Taurus on Nov. 14, you will get total clarity as a friend offers you stellar insight on this commitment.


Passions will run high as both Venus and Mars will spend time in the area of your chart ruling sexuality and deeper levels of intimacy. Carve out more time for hot date nights and exotic evenings. Perhaps you both discuss a joint investment and involvements that bring you closer – November 11th will be ideal for this.

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The New Moon at the start of November will light up your romance sector and hands down – this is one of your best months of the year for finding love! In love? Spice things up with a weekend away. Fertility will also be an all-time high so, of course be careful if that is not what you desire.


The first half of November Venus is in your romance sector so you may be feeling quite magnetic these days. In the 2nd half of November, Mars enters your sector of committed relationships and this could be a make or break signature. In other words, a conflict can get blown out of proportion or passions will run very high. You choose though any challenges will be brought to the surface.


It’s a big networking month for you so schedule quality time may be the challenge right now. Venus the planet of love will move into the fellow earth sign of Capricorn on Nov. 12 and this will make you feel more comfortable and safe in the relationship as tokens of affection and commitment will be exchanged. Single? 2nd half of Nov. is your time to mingle


Ah the land of Plenty. Jupiter is in Libra which may mean there is quite a lot of opportunity in all areas of your life. Money seems to be on the rise so stay with that negotiation. Mars will turn up the heat. A lot. In your sector of true love after November 12th and it will stay on till mid-January so it appears you will enjoy a cozy fall & winter.

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November 14th will bring a full moon in your sector of partnership which will a likely positive culmination to a growing relationship – this could mean exclusivity, engagement, marriage, or else perhaps the choice to part ways. Either way, this is a fortuitous time to take it to the next level. This also may relate to a business agreement.


Venus, the planet of love, beauty and harmony will be in Sagittarius until Nov. 12, giving you an extra boost to your skin, hair overall appearance and powers of attraction. Also as Venus graces through your sign, it will be an ideal time to purchase jewelry, clothing, a new haircut or facial. Enjoy your time with Venus and luxuriate in her presence. Mars will also be in a sector of money showing that this is a month to spend and indulge on yourself a bit. You’ve had task-master Saturn in your sign for so long, so take this well-deserved time for beauty and spa.


Mars will be in your sign until Nov. 9th, giving an extra boost to your energy level, personal magnetism and vibrancy. And then a few days after Venus will enter Capricorn delivering you with a look-good and feel-good month ahead. Because both passion planets will be in your sign this month, the laws of attraction will be delivering fast to you, so be wise in asking for what you desire. You just may get it in spades.

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It’s a huge career month for you as you may be finally recognizing and consolidating your passions into a business or else perhaps you are ready for promotion or a well-deserved advancement. That said, let you lover know what’s up in advance because you may be quite pre-occupied. Mars enters Aquarius on Nov. 9th, giving you so much energy to beat your records at the gym, at the office and also extra energy in the bedroom. Powerful Mars will be with you until Dec. 19 so direct your energy with intention.


Looking for love? Well your social sector is on fire right now with both passion planets dancing through so you will have your best luck attending social events and galas with friends and stay open to new introductions and party invitations where you will know no one there. Committed? It’s time to take your relationship out of the confines of your pad and connect to the warmth and laughter of your community.