Dining Fine in the Sky, or…

Of course our complimentary Uber misses a turning and we arrive 7 minutes after our 6.30 sunset seating takes off 45 metres into the air, dashing to the ground the hope of our highly anticipated Dinner In The Sky experience. I tilt my neck and pout at our 22 seater dinner table dangling imperiously from a stately crane parked alongside a shriekingly pink KL Tower.


The Towers of KL — single and twins

So what’s a girl to do but crack open a bottle and Machiavellianly pray Uber does the same to some other unsuspecting couple on the 8.30 seating. Glasses clink on white sofas plushly positioned under a clear chandeliered canopy and we admire the sunset underbelly of a platform hosting 5 courses of nervous merriment. We twirl our stemware for 30 minutes of white on white and quelle chance! A couple call to cancel and we’re in! Or rather UP!

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So some whispered suggestions about how to best enjoy Dinner In The Sky?

  • Do visit the restrooms beforehand. It’s only an hour-long dinner but with 5 courses and edgy anticipation … one never knows.


And we have take-off

  • Less is definitely more when you’re harnessed and swinging 150 feet off terra firma. Sling that leather and gilt chain messenger-style for easy access and buckle up the wedges. You can’t be worrying about anything falling and you’ll need your hands for cutting, toasting and the plethora of selfies, we-fies, those towers, your bravely swaying Pradas.


Shireen Zainudin-Lowe and husband Juarez Lowe high dining

  • Be nice to the staff. They do an outstanding job cheerfully keeping everyone reassured whilst debonairly plating your food. Plus they get better angles with the cameras
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Miso black cod, Thai asparagus with poached daikon

  • Pick the Wagyu beef cheek. You don’t have a choice with the smoked duck salad, the yuzu caviar on oysters, the miso cod and the layered chocolate pud. All perfectly likable. But you can opt for beef over chicken. I had the chicken.


Go for the Braised Wagyu beef cheek, caramalised red onion, carrot and green pea purée, in truffles scented jus

  • Your bucket seats swivel and recline. Do it.  The whole experience is so smooth, so secure. Just trust and revel. You’ll probably only do this once so — literally — skylark in the novel exhilaration.
  • And finally, but firstly — order your Uber well in advance.

Dinner In The Sky ends 31 August.

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