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The global Women’s Marches which took place in January last year – in response to President Trump’s inauguration – were a significant and inspiring moment in the ongoing fight for gender equality. Six million women in over 600 cities joined forces to march for women’s rights.
One year on, and in the wake of the #metoo and #TimesUp movements, new marches are planned worldwide for 2018, with the motto: ‘Look Back, March Forward’.
While the main focus of activities in the US will be the launch of the Power to the Polls campaign in Las Vegas (which aims to weaken Trump’s position in the mid-term elections), a London Time’s Up rally will take place opposite Downing Street on January 21.
On the event’s Facebook page, the organisers’ write: “We are coming together to pledge that we are going to make change in big and small ways. We will stand side by side, once again, in solidarity with our sisters, brothers and siblings around the world. Together we are strong and if we all work for a better world then time is really up for oppressors of women.”
You can find anniversary events near you at womensmarchglobal.com
From: Harper’s BAZAAR UK