How To Work From Home: Four Essential Survival Tips

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Don’t over-schedule

There is a temptation to get all those little jobs done while you work from home. Some of these are absolutely do-able – it takes no more than two minutes to put on a wash. Others will leave you incredibly upset with yourself for embarking on them. Jobs to avoid – but are not limited to – include:

  1. Preparing dinner. There is no need to start cooking before 6pm, weeknights are not the time for slow-cooked, labour-intensive meals.
  2. Having any sort of repairs done. There will be questions that need answering, cups of tea to be made and small talk to be had. It will end up taking over the whole day. Plus, you can be sure that your boss will video call you amid the utter chaos of it all.
  3. Exercise classes that are longer than 30 minutes. You’ll need a shower, then you’ll need to eat afterwards. Sorry, they cannot be squeezed in to your lunch break.
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