Julia Roberts’ Guide To Life: 10 Most Memorable Quotes

Julia wears Adam Lippes coat and jumper with Tiffany & Co jewellery, photographed by Alexi Lubormirski

Being a long-term ‘American Sweetheart’ doesn’t come easily. Many stars are branded with the tag, but few manage to maintain the title for long. Julia Roberts is one such actress, a woman who seems to have mastered both having a successful career with a happy personal life. Perhaps it’s that mega-watt smile, but there’s something about Roberts – our November cover star – that makes her one of Hollywood’s most likeable actresses.

One of her finer traits is her straight-talking, uncompromising nature – she’s not big on botox, but doesn’t judge those who like it. She’s happily married, but remembers the break-ups that got her there. She’s a mother of three, who isn’t afraid of talking about the challenges that come with children. We’ve rounded up her 10 best quotes below:

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On love

“You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.” – Guardian

On sex scenes

“People don’t want to see me having sex… I’m the queen of the ‘kiss, foreplay, dissolve.’ And then the ‘Whoo! Good morning, tiger.” – Marie Claire

On break-ups

“When you end up happily married, even the failed relationships have worked beautifully to get you there.” – The Little Red Book of Love

On politics

“Republican comes in the dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant.” – Brainy Quotes

On botox

“I tried Botox one time and was permanently surprised for a couple of months. It was not a cute look for me,” she said. “My feeling is, I have three children who should know what emotion I’m feeling at the exact moment I’m feeling it… that is critical. It’s whatever works for the person,” she told AccessHollywood. “I don’t want to judge somebody who can’t turn their head or move their lips. I don’t know – if you want your chin on your forehead I’m not one to judge. If that’s going to bring you joy, I’m all for it.” – Access Hollywood

On the importance of saying what you feel

“I like a good old-fashioned fist fight if people are pissed off at each other. I just feel like if you’re really mad and want to have a fight, then put your dukes up.” – Marie Claire via Daily Mail

On body confidence

“Haven’t you ever picked up a picture of yourself from, like, five years ago, and you look at yourself and you just go, ‘And I had no appreciation for how lovely I looked, how fit and healthy I looked.’ So now I say, ‘Now listen. Ten years from now, you’re really going to think you should have appreciated yourself more.'” – Alloy

On her youth

“I was my priority,” she said. “A selfish little brat running around making films.” – Harper’s Bazaar

On motherhood

“I do love it all. You’re allowed to not only to love the weekends but also Christmas and summer vacation in a new way. It’s such a great learning experience. They’re such great teachers. Their point of view is so unique. There are some [of my films] I am looking forward to showing my daughter. I can’t wait for her to see My Best Friend’s Wedding. That’ll be sweet and I think they will be pleased with how I spent my 20s and 30s.” – Good Morning America

On turning 50

“Too much thinking and pondering, it’s exhausting me. Because we’re still moving forward, aren’t we?” Harper’s Bazaar

From: Harper’s BAZAAR UK 

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