What Your Love and Luck Will Be Like In 2018, According To Your Chinese Zodiac

Take charge of your destiny and make the Year of the Earth Dog a year to remember with Chinese zodiac highlights from Dato’ Joey Yap, master of classical feng shui, Chinese astrology, and other Chinese metaphysics. Illustrations by Tiffany Choong.

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You might encounter a lot of change and turmoil this year, but it’s how you react to the situation that could determine the final outcome. Your career could also be filled with challenges that might leave you burned-out. Not to fret, as the Dragon keeps going when the going gets tough. Push through and you will get to enjoy the fruits of your labour. However, you might want to be practical about your goals so you won’t be too stressed out later. Finance-wise, you might encounter a constant monetary loss this year, but this could be mitigated by building up a financial reserve. On the other hand, romance may take a backseat as you find focus in other aspects of your life, and less on your love life. If you’re in a committed relationship, you should dedicate your time towards strengthening the bond with your partner. Be mindful of sweet temptations. Don’t neglect your safety on the road and stray away from metallics.

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These Are The Foods You Will Be Obsessed With In 2018

Star trait: courageous, enthusiastic and ambitious

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