MERDEKA EXCLUSIVE: Malaysian Moments by Rozie Mastor

At exactly 09:30 on 31 August 1957, the declaration was read by the first Chief Minister of Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman at the Merdeka Stadium. 59 years later, our nation is a step closer to a developed status. BAZAAR is honouring Malaysia’s Independence with a special series #Merdeka2016xBAZAAR where we seek fellow Malaysians near and far on five moments, items, tokens, anecdotes that have shaped their identity as a proud Malaysian.

At the Marine Ecology Research Centre | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

At the Marine Ecology Research Centre | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

Rozie Mastor

Admired for her grace and poise as a trail blazing female entrepreneur in the bustling city of Kuala Lumpur, Rozie’s humble beginnings began in the serene tropical coastlines of Borneo where she still remains as an island loyalist to her roots as a Sabahan, and Malaysian.

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The tropical islands of Sabah | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

1. | Sunsets in Sabah

Sunsets in Sabah, takes my breath away every single time. Truly magical.

Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

Sunsets in Sabah | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

2. |  Orang Utan

That time I went to Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary Center and hugged a baby orang utan.

Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

Amidst a wild rainforest | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

3. | Festivities that takes place all year round

The fact that we are a melting pot of cultures and people plus we get to celebrate all sorts of different festivities all year round.

Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

In my Cheongsam celebrating Chinese New Year at Th Chong’s | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

4. | Malaysia Food

The food. I crave for Malaysian food whenever I’m away.

Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

Chaotic Goodness! | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor

5. | Islands and Resorts

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A Collective Effort Of All Who Care About Equal Rights

We are blessed to have such beautiful places. Exploring our natural wildlife, being one with nature with our million years old rainforest while being on an island.

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Langkawi | Image Courtesy of Rozie Mastor