Oscars 2020: Our guide to the 10 buzziest films

It’s that time of year again. Actors and film-makers are pounding the awards-campaign trails, publicists are dashing off for-your-consideration adverts and voters are desperately catching up with 2019’s most acclaimed releases. You guessed it: Oscar season is right around the corner, and even sooner this time with the ceremony’s earlier-than-usual 9 February airdate. From Booksmart to A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood, these are the movies you need to know about. The race is on...

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What’s it about?

A World War I epic in which two British soldiers are tasked with the impossible mission of preventing their comrades from heading towards certain death by delivering a message into enemy territory.

Who’s in it?

An impressive cohort of homegrown talent such as Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch and Richard Madden, plus the hot priest himself Andrew Scott.

Why should you watch it?

Filmed entirely in one continuous shot, 1917 promises to be an astounding technical feat and, given that it is lensed by the master cinematographer himself Roger Deakins, we’re expecting it to convey the horrors of combat with a pulse-quickening immediacy.

Who has awards buzz?

First reactions to this film have been overwhelmingly positive, with critics praising its powerful storytelling. Generally, war movies tend to score big in below-the-line categories (Dunkirk was rewarded for its editing and sound design recently), and the director Sam Mendes (of American Beauty and Skyfall fame) is a favourite among Academy voters.

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‘1917’ is released in cinemas on 10 January 2020.

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