‘P.S. I Love You’ Is Getting A Sequel

Warner Bros

Good news, romance lovers: Cecelia Ahern has announced she has written a sequel to her international bestseller P.S. I Love You, and you’ll be able to read it sooner than you might think.

The Irish author confirmed the news on Twitter, sharing the book’s title and a release date for later this year.

“I have BIG NEWS!” Ahern wrote. “I’ve written the sequel to PS I LOVE YOU – titled POSTSCRIPT. POSTSCRIPT will be published September 19th in the UK & Ireland. I hope you’ll welcome back Holly… & Gerry…& that reading it will be as emotional for you as it was for me”.


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Published in 2004 when Ahern was 21, the romantic novel follows married couple Holly and Gerry who are struck by tragedy when Gerry dies from a brain tumor. While Holly struggles with her grief, she discovers that Gerry has left behind 10 letters for her to open. Each one contains messages from the love of her life and is signed off “P.S I love you.”