Sephora Is Taking A Powerful Stand on Beauty

Definitions of "beauty" have shifted from meaning to meaning throughout the years; from the thinnest eyebrows of the '70s, to rebel chic in the '90s. With the digital sphere going full force ahead, there no longer is a definite look or style to describe today's beauty standards. The Internet, despite its flaws, has given a voice to many in the beauty community to be heard. With the rise of inclusive beauty brands and an Influencer-You-Influencer-Me approach to digital marketing, brands like Fenty Beauty and Glossier are at the top of the game for quickly recognizing and adapting to these newer ways.

Sephora's latest campaign, Beauty ReWritten, engages in a conversation on women empowering each other in the name of success, defined in their own individual ways. Despite being one of the main drivers of the beauty industry, Sephora takes a powerful stand on celebrating beauty beyond face value and contesting the archaic beauty standards that no longer apply to the modern beauty community. The global campaign hits home very dearly, as two Malaysian representatives stand strong and mighty alongside the eight inspiring women being celebrated: Nadira Yusoff and Sandhya Manoj.

BAZAAR speaks to the two ladies to learn more about their own take on beauty and success.

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Sandhya Manoj

An accomplished Yoga master and professional Odissi dancer, Sandhya expresses beauty in the ethereal art of dance. Being a devotee to the arts for many years, she believes that beauty truly lives within everyone’s very own hopes and dreams, and that no one’s definition of beauty should be belittled from another. “I don’t think there is one single point in life where we identify success; success, just like beauty, is so subjective. There is never an ‘enough’ point with success, and that for me is the best part of being a woman,” Manoj says.

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