10 Women Who Have Shaped 2019

As we come to the end of 2019, it's easy to look back and remember the bad, be it politics or environmental issues. But what is also clear is the role women have had in shaping our world for the better. Take Gina Miller and Baroness Hale, who stopped undemocratic politics in its tracks, or Greta Thunberg who, aged 16, has spearheaded the international climate change movement. There's Lizzo who has served as a majestic poster child for body-positivity, while Phoebe Waller-Bridge has not only made us laugh and cry, but also proven how popular female-led, nuanced narratives are. Here, we celebrate and recognise 10 women who have influenced the way we live and think in 2019.

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Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren may have dropped in the polls, but she still remains in the top three candidates to secure the US Democrat nomination in the 2020 presidential election. Could she be the woman who could finally take on Trump? Only time will tell, but for now she’s focusing on her campaign. Warren wants to bring about big, structural change”, shifting power back towards working people and away from big corporations and the wealthy. A single parent turned Harvard professor turned senator, her key policy plans include cancelling student debt, creating a wealth tax and breaking up big tech companies. She has also attracted attention for her decision to forgo private fund-raisers and one-on-one meetings with big earners, traditionally used to cultivate a candidate’s relationships with the wealthy.

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