5 Malaysian Artstagrammers You Should Follow

With our local art scene brimming with creativity and talent, here are five of Malaysia’s artists that you should take a look at! Each of these artists expresses themselves in their preferred choice of medium to create stunning artworks that inspire and fresh to the eyes.

Hong Yi @redhongyi

From chopsticks to shuttlecock feathers, Hong Yi’s works are often created using materials in bulk. Recently, she  customised Facebook Singapore’s wall with a Merlion mural made completely out of torched chopsticks.


Monica Lee @zephyrxavier

Bringing pictures to life, Monica Lee takes her drawings to a whole new level. Specialising in only wildlife and still images, the details and designs are emphasised with each theme. Noah Veraguth was her first piece to be sold during the Faber-Castell art exhibition.

See also
Personal Style: Alia Alizar


Dribblack @dribblack

Starting out with his own line, Dribblack printed his designs mainly on merchandises like T-shirts and lanyards. His drawings vary from triangle vectors to realistic black paper drawings.


Chong Fei Giap @feigiap

An illustrator at Loka Made, Fei Giap believes in the concept of rediscovering and reassembling local elements, keeping in mind to stay true to our roots as everyone is reaching out to a new horizon.


Lim Zhi Wei @lovelimzy

A lover of all-things nature, Zhi Wei’s artworks are often seen with traces of flower petals and leaves. Simple and feminine, she incorporates these natural elements to create a more pop-up and textured feel to her illustrations.
