BAZAAR Local: The Success Behind Ana Tomy

In celebration of Merdeka, BAZAAR is celebrating the highs and success of our thriving Malaysian brands across fashion, beauty and lifestyle. For our final release of the BAZAAR Local series, we spoke to co-founders Zeejay Wong and Cliff Leong about their thriving brand and what’s in store for them in 2023.

BAZAAR Local: A Glimpse of Ana Tomy


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There’s nothing quite like the feeling of customising and curating your perfect planner. Ana Tomy, brought to life by The Alphabet Press, allows users to tailor-make their ideal planner. The brilliant minds behind this innovative brand are Cliff Leong, Zeejay Wong, and Fidella Ch’ng. These powerhouses are advocates for jotting down thoughts, ideas, and sketches on paper, and the best way to achieve that is in your very own Ana Tomy planner.

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When you step into the store, you’ll be amazed at the luxurious selection of companions to choose from. With options for covers and refills, the experience is truly delightful. In addition to planners, the brand has also expanded to offer tote bags, apparel, keychains, stickers, and more.

When we spoke to co-founders Zeejay and Cliff, we asked what their proudest moment was, and if you grew up loving Peanuts, you’ll love their collaboration.

Apart from Peanuts, their other collaborations, such as Star Wars, The Mandalorian, and Sesame Street, are worth noting.

The Wirebound planners may be the star of the show, but the Leather Binder is also worth considering. Additionally, those interested in new products should watch for upcoming additions to the Sesame Street and Star Wars collections throughout the rest of the year.

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We have also received exclusive information that Ana Tomy will be opening its second store soon. Keep an eye out for their announcement.

To hear more of their story, check out the video below:

Head over to the website to explore more.

In case you missed it, check out our BAZAAR Local series with Handmade Heroes and Gung Jewellery.



Amalina Anuar is the Digital Director of Harper's Bazaar Malaysia. From covering the latest runway trends to the hottest happenings in Kuala Lumpur, she also delves deep into all things lifestyle and beauty.