BAZAAR’s Netflix Picks

As we get ready for the weekend, the BAZAAR team pulls together our favourite Netflix picks. From mystery-murder to sci-fi and old English action, you'll be spoiled with choices. Here are our picks:

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Sub-Editor, Nen Lin Soo


Cast: Gabriel Macht, Patrick J. Adams, Meghan Markle
Genre: Comedy, Drama

Nen Lin says: 

“Okay, this series has been going on for a while now, and when I first started telling people about how much I love it, and how surprised I am that I do, the initial reaction with everyone was, “REALLY? Six years later?!?!” But better late than never, right? And although my lawyer friends think this show is a gross exaggeration of their field—the same way people I know in the advertising industry detests Mad Men—it’s the drama that keeps a show interesting and alive, no? Suits is easy to catch on, doesn’t take up too much of me emotionally, and is perfect for my pre-bedtime Netflix treat.”

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Polo hits the Big 4-Oh
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