Find Out Your Luck This Year With Chinese Zodiacs

Master of classical feng shui, Chinese astrology, and Chinese metaphysics, Dato’ Joey Yap dishes out Chinese zodiac highlights.

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An introspective time awaits, as you reflect on finding inner happiness this year. You have been very determined in your pursuit of wealth and success, which may result in feeling stressed and bogged down. Take a different pace, and remind yourself that material possessions are merely temporary. Don’t over-splurge, and instead, focus more on yourself. There might be a decline in your progress at work, but you will need to be patient in your efforts. Your loyalty and steadfastness towards your superiors will not go unnoticed. For couples, challenges in your love life abound. You might find yourself in the middle of a heated argument with your loved one, but don’t forget to take a step back and reevaluate what’s important. Don’t be afraid to take the first step in making things right. Romantic chances for single Oxen are slim, but don’t let this keep you at home. You should still socialise as things may take a turn for the better, in months where the Peach Blossom Star is present.

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