Find Out Your Luck This Year With Chinese Zodiacs

Master of classical feng shui, Chinese astrology, and Chinese metaphysics, Dato’ Joey Yap dishes out Chinese zodiac highlights.

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It’s not going to be the easiest year, as the snake faces obstacles from both professional and personal realms. In work, the size of your achievements might not measure up to your passion, but it is still wise to be confident, maintain the right mindset, and persevere. Your work-life balance might be compromised due to stressful work constraints that may hold you back. These stumbling blocks are short-term, so don’t lose your cool. As soon as things take a turn for the better, start making bigger plans for the year ahead—your fortune lies within the industry in which you are based. Don’t look to make quick money. Your risky investment choices and overspending may result in some financial loss, but taking comfort in friends and family will help you foster better relationships. There’s weak Peach Blossom Luck, but you don’t really need a reason to treat yourself. A nice massage helps to calm the mind and body. For avid cooks, be cautious with sharp and hot objects. Try not to be distracted and overenthusiastic when spending time in the kitchen. A wrong move could result in unwanted injuries.

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