Find Out Your Luck This Year With Chinese Zodiacs

Master of classical feng shui, Chinese astrology, and Chinese metaphysics, Dato’ Joey Yap dishes out Chinese zodiac highlights.

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The mythical dragon is a symbol of wealth and fortune. Your career is on the rise, and will take you places. The Red Matchmaker Star has flown into your sector, where social party invitations are a good opportunity to meet new people that will alter your course in areas of love, life, and business. You have to, however, be on your guard against gossip and rumours that will come your way. It may not be the best to share your honest thoughts with everyone you meet. It’s also not wise to take your health for granted, as viruses and illnesses might plague your year. Elderly dragons, in particular, might need a little extra support to stay in the pink of health; adapt a more holistic diet and balance it with exercise. While you strive for success, having a comfortable home life and a happy family mean more to you. If it feels right to take the next big step towards marriage, go for it.

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