Your Horoscope for the Year Ahead

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Your most intimate relationships will bring sudden and exciting news as the year begins (mostly during February and March) as Jupiter and Uranus strike a chord. This angle is supported even more in May as you seem to be getting trustworthy guidance from Saturn – whether it be in a legal matter or this could even be the decision to concretize your commitment and this is certainly a good idea while lucky Jupiter is in your marriage sector. In August a timely Eclipse fills up your ‘true love’ area of the chart, as it receives strong vibes from stable Saturn, lucky Jupiter and wild-card Uranus. Already Committed? Perhaps you decide to have a baby in August or else begin on a creative project that will change your life.


Beginning in March – with a Pisces eclipse, you will be primed to meet an exciting new cast of characters. These are individuals who have similar goals in life as yourself and you may greatly admire their work in the world. As your circle widens this year, these few will be more vested in your career direction and may even help steer with key introductions. By the Lunar Eclipse mid-August, the spotlight will be heavily on you in your career sector—bringing a long-overdue recognition. With this, you will have the wingspan to increase the bandwidth of your company – perhaps become international, go online, or open brick and mortar. Jupiter is poised to help you with a team and the right kind of supportive staff you need. This can also mean an exciting relocation opportunity as your business grows.


The Solar Eclipse on February 26 will set a brand new rhythm for your year to come. One that speaks about higher vision – not only doing the day-to-day. Take a moment as your year begins and review what you have been doing for the last 7 years in your work. Why did you choose that path and how far has your path diverted. Now is your time to commit to your passion and set your sights much higher – especially this March. Perhaps this will mean promotion, tenure, entering a new field completely or opening up your own business. In August, jump the opportunity to learn a new skill or enroll in a new course of study – this new way to communicate will be a game-changer and will connect you to a wider range of people.


Travel will feature strongly in the first half of the year so have your suitcase ready to go. Travel has many benefits for you, though one is that it will urge you to think bigger. If you have a message, a brand, if you are in TV or media, you will have an opportunity to expand your reach across the airwaves in a brand new way as well this year as the eclipse of February fully lights up the media and broadcasting area of your chart. The last 7 years may have felt quite unstable in career with too many unexpected changes in the company. Finally Uranus (change-maker) is getting a grounding chord from stabilizing Saturn through May and November which seems to seal the deal on your prospects making you indispensable. And with that said, your income will also receive a major boost in August – well deserved!

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Entertain a new look at wealth in 2017 as a solar Eclipse will fully wake up your financial sector. I know, you have already been through enough money ‘surprises’ this past year. Though now is your time to implement new strategies such as a long term investment or commission based or residual income. This also marks the end of the financial volatility for you. Now moving deeper into 2017, you seem to be getting absolute clarity on a serious partnership with the eclipse of August 7. Conversations will be easy around this relationship and a stellar agreement can be reached for the two of you. The 2nd half of our year will be about a personal rebirth – absolute rebirth – a personal renaissance. As August eclipse appears in Leo, asking you to re-evaluate your life and allow yourself more playtime this year. After all, you are the sign of creativity and big cats also need to play. If you are in a creative field, this is your year to shine.


For the past 2 years, eclipses have traveled through the relationship axis of your chart as you have likely learned more than one key lesson on the topic. Though likely you have learned even more about yourself and all of the things you do not want in your life. That said, a final eclipse appears on your partnership axis on February 26 , kicking off this new year with a theme of partnership and commitment. Your spiritual development will seem to take center stage after August as you reposition elements in your life for a healthy and more supportive lifestyle. Welcome in a stark new change in the routine and be ready for a key meeting October 26 as Jupiter and the Sun collide for a special and rare occasion.


You roll on into 2017 with lucky Jupiter in Libra, this year will be marked by a brand new cast of characters who surround you. There will be an important social occasion in February which you will not want to miss as you may be introduced to a key player in your life. Have your party and business outfits lined up this year as your calendar brims with business and pleasure combined. You’ll need to get ready and out the door fast. You have likely learned a lot about your health in these last 2 years so it will be important to stick to your regimen, especially as March begins – the patterns you set then in health and routine will stick with you. In October, Jupiter rolls out of Libra and into your money sector so you can welcome in the long-awaited increase as your efforts will pay off in a big way.

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What a dynamic and exciting year you have! Romance and the possibility of children will be high on the radar as spring begins. Simultaneously in February, you seem to be receiving such unexpected and sudden attention on the job. Blushing? You deserve it, though also take this as a precious moment to bring in the harvest career-wise and plan well for the next season. While many are laying in August hammocks, your career will be on fire so you may opt for a vacation later. It seems to be that you will be able to rise up to a brand new elevation in your chosen path – one that is more stable financially and also which allows more room for creativity in the day-to-day. And yes, you’ll need a break, so best travel dates are late June and October. On October 10, lucky Jupiter enters Scorpio so welcome in the abundant harvest.


Ok, so you have had perhaps one of the more trying years, though you have also done the sort of heavy lifting in life that will bring unforeseen rewards down the road. This is how Saturn in Sagittarius works and you have one more year of Saturn and then, he leaves with gifts at your doorstep on December 19, 2017. That said, this year will be about building the structures that will support you for many years down the road. The area of your chart featuring the most fireworks in 2017 is the sector that rules publishing, broadcasting, media, writing and teaching. Do you have a book idea? A course to launch? Would you like to re-enter the world of education? This is your year. Though don’t forget about your friends and community – they will be there for you and help you to further your ambitions as Jupiter continues to grace through the social zone of your chart.


Between January and October, Jupiter will continue to shine at the top of your chart, offering career opportunities to you, though you will also need to be ready and also ready to say no to the unappealing ones that are less than perfect. The most active area of your chart in 2017 are the money sectors. February’s eclipses will bring a sense of financial reward for much of the time and energy you have put in over the last year. However, August will be a time to flip your money script, especially if you have been playing catch-up. Explore new revenue streams and ones that may not show up in the form of a paycheck will be most beneficial for you moving forward – perhaps you sell your company or an investment. The latter part of April and June are your best times for love and romance

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The last of a series of Eclipses will sweep through the financial quarters of your chart in February, though this Solar Eclipse of February 26 points to a promising start to monetize well from your talents. The wind will change direction once that is in place – the focus moves directly to the area of partnerships. If you are single, this will be a prolific year for you as you will have the opportunity to finally meet someone who feels like they were created for you. The big events in partnership seem to be happening throughout August. Though likely the new moon of May 25 will bring a hint of what is to come. Whether it is business or personal, partnerships will feature strongly, so first make room in your life for the other. With Jupiter in your travel and culture sector, your best luck will come when you exit your ‘safe spaces’ and explore new terrain. October 26 will bring radiant news about a career prospect. Say yes!


After the last 2 years of deep lessons in relationships, you are likely more clear about yourself then ever – namely what will fly and what will definitely not in your most intimate relations. And you are ready for a personal rebirth which you get with a solar eclipse in Pisces on February 26. The focus will be on you this year and getting into the best health ever – on a physical, mental and spiritual level. The best time to end an old dusty habit and never go back will be the lunar eclipse of February 10. Six months later in August – you will be able to make even deeper health and lifestyle changes that can include a new work routine that is supportive to your new health routine. Open yourself to new financial opportunities at the start of March and the end of September as Jupiter and Uranus create excitement. June brings sweet romance as Mars joins up with a new moon to sweep you off your feet and September will bring deeper commitment.