La Dolce Vita

Decadent and delectable, every bite you take of the tantalizingly sweet Baked in Chelsea cakes by Marina Malek is other-worldly.


Most cherished sugary memory
Definitely those times when I was around seven years old, sitting on our kitchen floor, manually beating butter and sugar with a wooden spoon. It literally took ages, but I remember getting all excited every time my mum allowed me to assist her with baking.

Think pink
When I think of pink, I think of strawberry shortcakes with whipped strawberry frosting or a raspberry trifle.

Baked in Chelsea
It all pretty much happened by itself, actually. I moved back to KL after completing my studies in the UK and started an Instagram account, posting images of all my random baking sessions. And then people started asking if the cakes were available for order. I was a little indecisive but one day, I took a leap and ordered a few hundred customised boxes for my cakes. Before I knew it, Baked in Chelsea was up and running.

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Let them eat cake
Less is more when it comes to my style of baking cakes. I am a simple and straighforward person and that reflects on my cakes. I focus on a few ingredients, so every element is intense. The overall aesthetic is rustic but at the same time, all dressed up with a fresh element such as flowers or fruits. Some people call them “naked cakes.”


Ultimate baker
Nigella Lawson! Her book, How To Be A Domestic Goddess, is still one that I go back to every once in a while for that splash of inspiration. She has amazing confidence that is absolutely attractive.

Chelsea girl
I started baking for my friends in London where I was studying and I lived in the Chelsea area. The name just clicked – Baked in Chelsea.

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Comfort cake
My go-to cake is The Chelsea, a cake that concentrates on two elements – dark chocolate and fresh strawberries.

Outside the box
I’m not too ambitious with flavours since I like them to be as simple as possible. The inspiration for flavours come about during my travels and visits to different kinds of cafés in various cities. I’m also always open to suggestions from my loyal customers.


Big things
Social media has helped immensely. Baked in Chelsea is still growing. Keep your eyes peeled for something Baked in Chelsea coming your way on your supermarket shelves.