Exclusive: 24 Hours with Kim Kardashian

6:00 A.M. I usually wake up really early, around six o’ clock. I sleep with my Blackberry, my iPhone, and the baby monitor next to my bed, and at first I can hardly see the screens because they’re so bright and my room is so dark. I check the monitor, and then I kind of squint on eye and look at e-mails. I don’t respond to them right away; I scroll through. The first person I talk to is Kanye because he’s right there next to me in bed. I’ll say, “Do you want to go for a run?” And he usually does. Or he won’t because he has a workout, so we’ll just talk about that, then kisses.

6:15 A.M. My first real conversation of the day is with North, although I’m not getting a whole lot back from her yet. I like to check her room as soon as I wake up. Then I go for my run. I live in a gated community with lots of horse trails, so I run on those, or on the treadmill in our home gym on the other side of the house. My workouts are usually about an hour, maybe an hour and 15 minutes total, but I like to mix them up. Running takes me about 35 minutes on the trails, and then I’ll come back and work my abs or legs. I like to listen to music while I work out, but I don’t need it to pump me up or get energized. It’s weird—I’ll put my iPod on shuffle and listen to slow R&B songs or even classical music, which most people think is so bizarre. I don’t need anything fast. When I go to Barry’s Bootcamp, they put on dance music or house music sometimes, and that slows me down.

"I fell asleep in the sun in Mexico with huge sunglasses on." (2009) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“I fell asleep in the sun in Mexico with huge sunglasses on.” (2009) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

8:00 A.M. I used to work out at a gym more often, but now I stay at home because I want to be there when my daughter wakes up, which is around eight. It’s my favorite time of the day with her, so I don’t want to miss it. I try to have breakfast really quick, before she’s up, but I’m rushing and always checking the monitor. I’ll usually have scrambled eggs or oatmeal, or a protein shake with fruit. Kanye loves to eat really healthy and is always on different diets. He has a chef who comes in the morning and cooks breakfast for both of us and gets our meal plans together for the day. We just started seeing a nutritionist who changes our diet every 10 days.

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9:00 A.M. I love baths. I usually take them pretty regularly, but we just moved into our house and are replacing the old bathtub, and the new one hasn’t been installed yet, so we haven’t had a bath for a month. I can’t complain, though—I like my shower. Dr. Lancer makes a good hard body scrub I use. And I just started using this black bar of face soap by Erno Laszlo. I don’t stick to a specific routine with products. There are so many different shampoos and conditioners in my shower; I like to switch them up.

"These are some of my favorite selfies ever..." (2009) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“These are some of my favorite selfies ever…” (2009) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

10:00 A.M. If I’m working or filming that day, I’ll have hair and makeup done at the house. That usually takes an hour and a half. If I don’t get breakfast earlier, I’ll eat then and respond to e-mails. Everyone always e-mails me late, before they go to bed, which is after I fall asleep, so I don’t want to wake them all up by e-mailing too early. My favorite mode of communication is texting. I video-chat sometimes with my daughter or my niece and nephew, but now with my friends just to say hi. After hair and makeup, getting dressed is 10 or 15 minutes; it doesn’t take me long. If we have a meeting in the morning, then we don’t have time for hair and makeup, and we get ready ourselves. We do whatever we have time for. It’s not like hair and makeup is an everyday thing. It takes me about 15 minutes to do my own makeup, and if I have my hair done from the day before, I can get ready quickly on my own. I don’t wash my hair a whole lot—every three or four days. When I get it done and blow-dried, that lasts for a while.

"I was doing a photo shoot. I took a selfie before I went out." (2013) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“I was doing a photo shoot. I took a selfie before I went out.” (2013) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

11:30 A.M. Usually we’ve finished getting ready about half an hour before we start filming at noon. We used to start at, like, 7 a.m., but now it’s later, and we’ll finish around 7 or 8pm. We don’t really get breaks because we have three crews and they switch to get their breaks. We break only if we eat, if we break at all.

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12:00 P.M. When we’re not filming I’ll have one or two meetings a day, usually starting at noon. Once a week we have a design meeting with Sears, and that’s always three hours. We’ll talk about anything from fabrics to fit. Or we have meetings for other projects, like this book with Rizzoli. I started taking pictures years ago, around 2006, and I kept them, all organized on my computer in folders. We didn’t call them selfies back then. I had no idea what I was saving, just memories, really. This book is filled with so many good memories, and they all tell the story of the year when they were taken. It took a minute to figure out exactly what order to put them in. First we had it separated by glam selfies, selfies with friends, selfies with sisters, and sexy selfies, but then we decided that it made more sense to do it chronologically. I don’t have a selfie stick; I just take photos with my iPhone.

"This was a dream come true! Every girl's fairy-tale wedding dress brought to life by my good friend Riccardo Tisci for Givenchy couture." (2014) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“This was a dream come true! Every girl’s fairy-tale wedding dress brought to life by my good friend Riccardo Tisci for Givenchy couture.” (2014) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

1:00 P.M. I prefer to have the chef make my lunch because it’ll be healthier. Lately it’s been fish and vegetables, or chicken and vegetables, something like that.

2:00 P.M. I can’t live without talking to my family. I’m obsessed with them. We’re on group chats every single day—well, all the girls, for sure. I’m in London right now, and Kendall’s in Milan, so we’re almost in the same time zone. We’re texting each other every second. And when the whole family wakes up, it’s like a huge group chat every morning to see what everyone’s doing.

"My snuggle bear" (2015) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“My snuggle bear” (2015) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

3:00 P.M. If I need a sweet-tooth fix, I’ll have those Justin’s peanut butter packs; the almond butter is also really good. I’ll just eat it plain. I used to drink a ton of iced tea, but I’ve cut back. I had the craziest addiction to Equal—I’d put 10 Equals in every iced tea. My sister Kourtney would always say, “You can’t have that much sweetener!” I’ve trained myself to have just one iced tea a week, and I’m down to three Equals. I’m not really a coffee drinker. I like it, and I’ll have some when I’m really jet-lagged, maybe once a month. I try to drink water. I think after you have a baby you want everything to be as pure as possible. I want to set an example and to be natural and healthy. It’s a decision Kanye and I made, to see a nutritionist together. Also, I think anything could help if I’m trying to get pregnant.

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7:00 P.M. For dinner, I have vegetables and fish or chicken, just like lunch. I don’t really have cocktails or desserts—I mean, I wish! Haagen-Dazs is my biggest indulgence—their Dulce de Leche flavor is my favorite thing in life. I’m kind of a homebody, so I’ve been staying in a lot lately. There’s nothing I love more than getting to stay home all day and not get ready for anything, which is about half the week. And then we have Sundays off. I usually spend that day with my daughter, and we’ll go somewhere. I love driving, being in my car and listening to my music. I listen to satellite radio; I like this new station called Venus and another called Heat.

"Late-night studio support..." (2015) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“Late-night studio support…” (2015) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

9:00 P.M. Once the baby’s asleep, I like to unwind by getting in bed and doing some work. I’ll put on a robe and answer e-mails or go online. I don’t watch a whole lot of TV or movies, but when I do it’s typically murder shows or Dateline NBC. I love searching eBay; I sell shoes and clothes on eBay all the time, so I’ll check my auctions and answer user questions. Or I’ll pick different fabrics for our line, and send approvals.

11:00 P.M. I always put my hair up and use makeup wipe to wash my face off, and I apply facial oil or moisturizer before bed. I go to bed around 10, 11 at the latest. I always fall right to sleep. I’m usually so tired, I just pass out.

"So I went platinum!" (2015) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West's Selfish

“So I went platinum!” (2015) | Image Courtesy of Kim Kardashian West’s Selfish

This article originally appeared in the May 2015 issue of Harper’s BAZAAR.

From Harper’s BAZAAR