5 Reasons You Should Become a ‘Homepreneur’

Rex Features

The 9-5 grind spent in an office has long been a comfort blanket for most. However, research shows you could improve your wellbeing by working for yourself, even if it means sacrificing your paycheck.

A study by Solopress reveals how becoming a homeworker or ‘homepreneur’ can give you a more mindful approach to your work/life balance, while loving what you do. While more than half (54%) of homepreneurs say they are earning less than in their previous job, 85% say they’re happier now they’re able to focus on their own future and control their working life.

So it time to ditch the norm and join the self-employed? Here, Shannon Berghaus makes a case for the homepreneur.

1. Money isn’t happiness

At some point, when we’ve dreamed about a pair of designer shoes or longed for a new Instagram-inspired interior, we’ve all thought earning more would make us happier. But what if money really isn’t the key? Home-based workers across the country are saying no to a larger paycheck and yes to happiness – and they have no regrets.

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2. Freedom and flexibility

Strict working hours and days spent chained to an office desk are a thing of a past for the modern home worker. Homepreneurs thrive on working to a flexible schedule which suits them – wouldn’t that be nice?

3. Family life

For most, family and friends are everything. Yet getting the most out of both your work and personal life is a balancing act most struggle with. Sacrificing work can lead to missing a promotion or experiencing stress outside of the office, but spending time with your loved ones is key for health and wellbeing. Take charge of your own schedule and balance your life to suit you by becoming a homepreneur and working around your priorities.

4. Pursue your interests

Catching up on your painting project, learning a new skill or getting into fitness – after leaving the office, finding the time or energy to pursue the things you love can be tough. Work for yourself and you can enjoy the freedom of time. Shuffle tasks around and shape your working day to fit both your career and your hobbies.

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5. Be your own boss

Calling the shots is something many of us dream about – so why not live out your career fantasy? Put yourself in the driver’s seat and set your own agenda. It’s time to say hello to a flexible schedule and goodbye to passive aggressive emails.

From: Harper’s BAZAAR UK