Asian Beauty Brands That You Must Know About Now

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Root Remedies 

Representing and reflecting Malaysia’s bold yet progressive move towards Clean Beauty, this homegrown brand is the driver of our homeland’s beauty industry. Paving the way for other upcoming skincare and makeup brands in its own field, Root Remedies is nothing short of extraordinary with its first-of-its-kind formulation and extremely Insta-worthy packaging. Naturally-formulated oils and minimalist color makeup sits on the forefront of the brand, advocating for a skin-first philosophy that is still quiet foreign, though picking up pace, to the Malaysian beauty community.  Through its powerful presence in the local market, including die-hard followers of the brand, there’s no stopping Root Remedies from achieving the stars and beyond — and we’re all for it.

See also
What Does 'Clean Beauty' Really Mean?


We’ve heard of the argans, coconuts and rose oils of the world. Is it finally time to make way for a new natural ingredient in town? We think yes. Root Remedies introduces the Pomegranate Hair & Scalp Treatment Oil, and we’re absolutely floored. With the local weather taking a toll on our health, we often forget that it also imposes some detrimental effects on our hair, which is essentially one of the first point of contact to our body. Aptly known as the “Fruit of Life”, pomegranates are natural protectors against harsh environmental stressors and promotes the reversal of skin damage, making it ideal for those with irritated scalps. Priced at RM149 for 50ml, they are exclusively available at Root Remedies.

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