10 New Books to Add to Your Reading List in 2018

The end of the year is upon us, which means that between the shopping, cooking, decorating, and parties, we're also hustling to get through that "to read" stack of books sitting tauntingly by our bedside. Yet even as we page through the backlog of delayed beach reads and best of the year that squeaked in under the wire, our minds are also turning toward the exciting new stories heading our way in the new year. Here, a selection of some of the lit we're adding to our 2018 list.

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8. ‘The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle’ by Stuart Turton

Pop your favorite Agatha Christie whodunnit into a blender with a scoop of Downton Abbey, a dash of Quantum Leap, and a liberal sprinkling of Groundhog’s Day and you’ll get this unique murder mystery. The twisting, cleverly-written debut revolves around Aiden Bishop, forced to relive the day of socialite Evelyn Hardcastle’s murder over and over until he can track down her killer and break the cycle. The trick? Each day Aiden finds himself reliving things in the body of a different guest at Lord and Lady Hardcastle’s masquerade, making the information he’s able to gather and the relationships he forges in his search increasingly complicated.

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastleby Stuart Turton, £14.99, amazon.com in September.

See also
The 10 '80s Film Every Fashion Girl Should Watch


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