12 Chinese Zodiac 2020

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7. Horse

Your aim for this year should revolve around being patient, kind and appreciative because everything else will fall into place once you get into that type of mindset and attitude. In other words, you will step into a much more comfortable scenario even when life seems to lean towards a negative direction due to the presence of inauspicious stars.


Wealth opportunities will be elusive if you do not exert the necessary effort; a diligent workhorse is the best Horse this 2020! Meticulous planning and heightened wariness will also save the Horse from a lot of financial heartache. Be careful when signing any contracts or agreements, for instance, to avoid unwittingly losing money due to carelessness.

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Meditation and charity work will be a source of attaining calm and appreciation for others; this is an important counter to the added stress you will endure at the workplace this year. Don’t allow a lack of recognition encourage you to throw in the towel. Persevere at your current workplace against all odds and your hard work may just be rewarded.


If you’re already in a committed relationship, remember that the trials you two will undergo this year only serve to make your romance stronger. Let every argument or setback teach you how to handle your relationship with greater appreciation and maturity. The single Horse, on the other hand, should explore new social circle to make up for the lack of interesting people in your current ones.

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As implied earlier, stress may be a dominant issue for you if you allow work issues to cascade into your personal life. Counteract this by ensuring you have ample amounts of rest, sleep, vitamins, and nutrition. Taking a much-needed sabbatical every now and then can do wonders for your physical and mental wellbeing too!

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