Azlene Azlan: Flights of Fancy

Azlene Azlan

Azlene Azlan

MidnightMoonMob is…

A creative space where I write and illustrate children’s books, and produce games and art pieces. I’ve written and illustrated five children’s books under the series ‘Tales of the Untamed Metropolis’. The fifth book will be out this June, which completes the series.

Story of the name?

Waiting for the Geminids meteor shower one night, I recall doodling a dreamy moon in pointillism and the name popped into my head. It made sense to use the sketch and MidniteMoonMob to represent me.

Favourite books growing up

There were so many! Robinson Crusoe, The Wind In The Willows, Peanuts, The Three Golliwogs, The Tale Of Peter Rabbit … I could go on and on.

Animal friends

‘Tales of the Untamed Metropolis’ was inspired by my relationships with animals. I’ve rescued many but two stand out: My cat, Little Lion, and a wild sparrow, Luci. I had a very strong bond with them. They taught me patience and unconditional love.

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The creative process

You’d think it’d be easy as the language and storyline is basic but the process is complex. A storybook is a shared experience between an adult and a child. What fuels me: lots of reading, research, and travel.

Unleash the child in you…

A three-hour hike alone is very therapeutic. When was the last time you rolled down a hill?