Celebrating Creativity in Crisis: DIY Projects That The Fashion World Wants You to Try

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Alex Gore Browne

“In between juggling home-schooling lessons and housework, once my children have gone to bed, I use darning as a distraction from everything that’s going on in the outside world. I am a big believer in buying investment pieces and mending them as and when they need to be fixed and darning is such a great technique to lengthen the lifespan of your clothes and most importantly, it’s very therapeutic.

  1. Start by finding a hole or an area that might need mending
  2. Weave threads through the hole to draw the hole together [see below with a grey thread]
  3. I like to use bright decorative threads – so in this case I will be building a colourful loop around the hole
  4. Build up the colours, wrapping around the grey thread as you go along
  5. A colourful fix to an otherwise sad knitwear hole!”
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