Find Out Your Luck This Year With Chinese Zodiacs

Master of classical feng shui, Chinese astrology, and Chinese metaphysics, Dato’ Joey Yap dishes out Chinese zodiac highlights.

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A lot of progress to be made for the rat, as you look forward to harnessing positive energies to your best advantage. Lucky stars are in your corner as you are cast into the talent limelight at work, which will provide a strong boost for your pursuits. Be proactive and allow mentors to guide you on your career path. If you’re searching to enrich your love life, this year might not be the best of times. With the absence of Peach Blossom Luck, bachelors might find their efforts in vain. Be mindful in allowing subtle flirtations to gain traction, as it may lead you astray with the presence of Salty Pool Star and Annual Sha Star. You also have the Illness Star in your sector, so you need to pay extra attention to your health as some minor threats are likely to emerge. Regular exercise, a stringent diet, and vigilant precautions around viral epidemics are preventive steps that you can take. After all, a little goes a long way.

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