Find Out Your Luck This Year With Chinese Zodiacs

Master of classical feng shui, Chinese astrology, and Chinese metaphysics, Dato’ Joey Yap dishes out Chinese zodiac highlights.

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There’s plenty of good news in tow for the horse, as you welcome a bountiful and positive year in areas of relationship, wealth, and career. Golden opportunities are present, so keep an eye out for lucrative investments in property or shares. Be wary in getting too excited and giving in to impulsive decisions that may backfire. Career-wise, this is a big year ahead. Time to put your best foot forward and present yourself for that promotion you have had your eye on. Expect great developments as it draws closer to the post-autumn season. Your engaging personality has your social calendar all booked out this year. Meeting people is always an exciting affair, but be aware of who you’re spending time with. Things have a way of presenting themselves so it’s best to keep your eyes peeled. In health, horses will have the ability of jumping over illnesses and injuries this year. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Practice some discipline and say no to overindulging in late-night snacks to prevent having digestive problems.

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