Let There Be Light


Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana

In an almost profound homage to art, Fendi inaugurated the maison’s brand new home in Rome’s Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana with a breathtaking light installation ceremony christened:  “Poesia di Luce”(Poem of Light), the brainchild of the artist and draftsman Mario Nanni. Streamed live on October 22 the work mirrors the artist’s vision of architectural movement, using the medium of light. A monumental chromatic story-telling art form that honors the building’s history and beauty through the use of dynamic movements and the sun’s varying degrade hues, from sunrise reds to the brilliance of luminous noon midday whites. Also revealed that night was the new permanent lighting of the Palazzo, conceived, of course by Mario Nanni, that plays with shades and intensity to illuminate the columns of the building. This also marked the opening of the maison’s first exhibition: Una Nuova Roma. L’Eur e il Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, promoted by FENDI in collaboration with Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura e al Turismo – Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali  within the  Palazzo’s first floor, a dedicated ongoing exhibition space. Says chairman and CEO of Fendi, Pietro Beccari, “We are proud to give back today to our city, Rome, and to the whole world, the Palazzo della  Civiltà Italiana, symbol of our Roman roots and of a continuous dialogue between traditions and modernity. After more than seventy years from its creation, Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana’s first floor will be finally open to public through an exhibition that tells its story since its architectural project till today.”

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